2001.9-2005.7,18luck新利手机版iso ,农资环专业,本科
2005.9-2008.7,18luck新利手机版iso ,土壤学专业,硕士研究生
2012.8-2018.11 18luck新利手机版iso 资环学院土壤系,讲师
2018.12-至今, 18luck新利手机版iso 资环学院土壤系,副教授
2021.12-2022.12 英国诺丁汉大学生物科学系,访问学者
[1].Gao PP, Zhang XM,Xue PY, et al., Mechanism of Pb accumulation in Chinese cabbage leaves: Stomata and trichomes regulate foliar uptake of Pb in atmospheric PM 2.5. Environmental Pollution 293 (2022) 118585.
[2].Zhang XY, Geng LP, Gao PP, Dong JW, Zhou C, Li HB, Chen MM, Xue PY, Liu WJ*. Bioimaging of Pb by LA-ICP-MS and Pb isotopic compositions reveal distributions and origins of Pb in wheat grain. Science of the Total Environment. 2022. 802: 149729.
[3].Gao PP,Xue PY, Dong JW, et al., Contribution of PM2.5-Pb in atmospheric fallout to Pb accumulation in Chinese cabbage leaves via stomata. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021. 407: 124356(共同一作)
[4].Zhang SJ, Geng LP, Fan LM, Zhang M, Zhao QL,Xue PY, Liu WJ*. Spraying silicon to decrease inorganic arsenic accumulation in rice grain from arsenic-contaminated paddy soil. Science of the Total Environment. 2020.704: 135239
[5].Xue PY, Zhao QL, Sun HX, et al., Characteristics of heavy metals in soils and grains of wheat and maize from farmland irrigated with sewage. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019, 26:5554-5563
[6].Zhang M,Zhao QL,Xue PY,et al.,Do Si/As ratios in growth medium affect arsenic uptake, arsenite efflux and translocation of arsenite in rice (Oryza sativa)? Environmental Pollution. 2017. 229(10): 647-654
[7].Xue PY,Li GX, Liu WJ, et al. Copper uptake and translocation in a submerged aquatic plantHydrilla verticillata(L.f.) Royle. Chemosphere 2010, 81(9): 1098-1103.
[8].Xue PY,Yan CZ, Arsenic accumulation and translocation in the submerged aquatic plantHydrilla verticillata(L.f.) Royle. Chemosphere 2011, 85(7): 1176-1181.
[9].Xue PY, Yan CZ,Sun GX, et al. Arsenic accumulation and speciation in the submerged macrophyteCeratophyllum demersumL. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2012, 19(9): 3969-3976
[10].肖冰,薛培英,韦亮,刘成程,高培培,樊利敏,杜佳燕,刘文菊*.基于田块尺度的农田土壤和小麦籽粒镉砷铅污染特征及健康风险评价.环境科学, 2020, 41(6): 2869-2877(EI收录)
[11].高培培, 肖冰, 刘文菊, 张香玉, 董俊文, 薛培英. 莲藕中重金属含量特征及其健康风险评价. 环境化学, 2020, 39(2): 362-370
[12].付洁, 孙洪欣, 张敏, 谢文达, 刘文菊,薛培英. 市售食用菌中重金属含量特征及其健康风险评价. 中国食品学报, 2019,19(6):230-237(EI收录)
[13].薛培英, 赵全利, 王亚琼, 耿丽平, 陈苗苗, 王晓美, 王殿武. 白洋淀沉积物-沉水植物-水系统重金属污染分布特征. 湖泊科学, 2018, 30(6): 1471-1482(EI收录)
0312-7520120 pyxue@hebau.edu.cn