2009年8月-2016年9月 东芬兰大学林学院林业与生物资源博士
2004年9月-2007年7月 18luck新利手机版iso园艺学院果树学硕士
2000年9月-2004年7月 18luck新利手机版iso园艺学院 园艺学本科
2018年至今,18luck新利手机版iso 园艺学院
18luck新利手机版iso 引进人才科研专项 (YJ201813), 极端土壤环境对华北森林树种细根生产的影响研究,2018/7-2022/12,在研,主持。
1. Liu YM, Zheng F, Liu ZH, Lan HB, Cui YH, Gao TG, Roitto M,Wang AF. 2022. Enhanced root and stem growth and physiological changes inPinus bungeana Zucc. seedlings by microbial inoculant application. Forests, 13, 1836. (通讯作者)
2. Qian H, Dong A.-M, Roitto M, Xiang DY, Zhang G, Repo T,Wang AF. 2021. Timing of drought affected the growth, physiology, and mortality of Mongolian
pine saplings. Forests, 12, 1491. (通讯作者)
3. Repo T, Domisch T , Roitto M, Kilpeläinen J,Wang AF, Piirainen S, Heiskanen J, Makita N, Lehto T and Sutinen S. 2021. Dynamics of above- and belowground responses of silver birch saplings and soil gases to soil freezing and waterlogging during dormancy. Tree Physiology, 41, 1143-1160.
4.Wang AF, Di B, Repo T, Roitto M, Zhang G. 2020. Responses of parameters for electrical impedance spectroscopy and pressure–volume curves to drought stress in Pinus bungeana seedlings. Forests, 11, 359.
5. Roitto M, Sutinen S,Wang AF, Domisch T, Lehto T, Repo T. 2019. Waterlogging and soil freezing during dormancy affected root and shoot phenology and growth of Scots pine saplings. Tree Physiology, 39, 805-818.
6.Wang AF, Roitto M, Lehto T, Sutinen S, Heinonen J, Zhang G, Repo T. 2017. Photosynthesis, nutrient accumulation and growth of twoBetulaspecies exposed to waterlogging in late dormancy and in the early growing season. Tree Physiology 37, 767-778.
7.Wang AF, Roitto M, Sutinen S, Lehto T, Heinonen J, Zhang G, Repo T. 2016. Waterlogging during dormancy and early growth affect root and leaf morphology ofBetula pendulaandBetula pubescensseedlings. Tree Physiology, 36, 86-98.
8.Wang AF, Roitto M, Lehto T, Zwiazek JJ, Calvo-Polanco M, Repo T. 2013. Waterlogging under simulated late-winter conditions had little impact on the physiology and growth of Norway spruce seedlings. Annals of Forest Science, 70, 781-790.
9.王爱芳,张钢,郄亚旭,向地英,邸葆,陈宗培. 2012.干旱对白皮松幼苗针叶生理特性的影响.植物生理学报, 48 (2), 189-196.
10.Wang AF, Zhang G. 2010. Effects of drought on electrical impedance spectroscopy parameters in stems ofPinus bungeanaZucc. Seedlings. Front Agric China, 4(4), 468-474.
11.王爱芳,张钢,魏士春,崔同祥. 2008.不同发育时期樟子松(Pinus SylvestrisL. var.mongolicaLitv.)的电阻抗参数与抗寒性的关系.生态学报, 28(11), 5741-5749.
12.张钢,王爱芳. 2007.针叶树种抗寒性数学模型研究进展.应用生态学报, 18 (7), 1610-1616.
1.第17届生物电阻抗国际会议(XVII International Conference on Electrical Bioimpedance,巴西圣卡塔琳娜州若因维利市(Joinville,Santa Catarina,Brazil),2019.6.9-6.13.
2. 2019中国观赏园艺学术研讨会,北京林业大学,北京西郊宾馆, 2019.8.6-8.9.
3. Water, roots and forest management seminar online,芬兰自然资源研究所(Luke)线上会议,平台Teams,2021.11.10.