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发布日期:2019-03-02 点击:



新学期新气象,融思政教育与语言学习相结合的学生公寓廊道文化建设将有力促进学生公寓的管理育人效果。该项工作开展过程中,学院得到了学生处、信息科学与技术学院的大力支持与配合。 (作者:王子华)

Xi's Words into the Dormitory

At the very beginning of the new semester, the corridor culture building of No.7 student dormitory of CFL has been completed.

CFL has long attached great importance to the effect of dormitory culture on cultivating students’ good daily habits and tried to combine the ideological and political education with language acquisition. At the end of the last semester, CFL actively responded the call of dormitory culture building of our university. The teachers responsible for the work of Communist Youth League and students’ affairs made a careful plan, and decided to take the allusions quoted by Xi Jinping as the language materials of the culture building. During the winter vacation, the students firstly selected 70 allusions related to their growth, and then they translated by themselves, searched other versions and confirmed the most appropriate English versions. Finally, 36 framed display boards with bilingual allusions were made, decorating the corridor of students’ dormitory.

New semester, new start. The new corridor culture will integrate ideological and political education with language learning, and greatly improved the cultivating effect of the students’ dormitory culture. The gratitude for the completion of the task should also go to the Students Affairs Department of the University and the School of Information Science and Technology. (Trans. Zhang Ruodan & Wu Runkai)

