王华玲,山东省威海市人,中共党员,18luck新利手机版iso 林学院校聘副高,博士,硕士生导师。主要从事蛀干害虫相关微生物的分子进化、功能及应用研究。主持过国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金等,参与过国际盖茨基金项目,与国外多家单位建立了长期合作。国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI收录论文14篇。
2015/12-2018/12英国格林威治大学,自然资源研究所,助理研究员,导师:John Colvin
2021/01至今 18luck新利手机版iso ,林学院,讲师,校聘副高
1)18luck新利手机版iso 引进人才专项,YJ2021017。光肩星天牛适应杨树寄主的关键肠道功能菌株筛选,2021.01- 2025.12, 20万元,在研,主持。
2)国家自然科学基金面上项目,32171799,肠道微生物在光肩星天牛适应杨树寄主中的作用机制研究,2022.01- 2025.12, 58万元,在研,参与。
6)比尔盖茨&梅琳达基金项目,非洲木薯烟粉虱项目,OPP1058938, 2014.12-2018.10, 1800万美元,参与;
7)国家科学基金面上项目,31272104,烟粉虱物种复合体内隐种间的生殖隔离和分子种系发生研究,2014.12-2017.12, 84万元,结题,参与。
8)国家科学基金面上项目,31772173,烟粉虱内共生菌Hamiltonella对寄主有性生殖的调控,2018.1-2021.12, 84万元,参与。
1.An-Dong Gong,Gao-Zhan Wang,Yake Sun,Mengge Song,Cheelo Dimuna,Zhen Gao,Hua-Ling Wang,Peng Yang.Dual activity ofserratia marcescenspt-3 in phosphate-solubilizing and production of antifungal volatiles.BMC Microbiology,2022,22:26
2.Habibu Mugerwa#,Hua-Ling Wang#, Peter Sseruwagi, Susan Seal and JohnColvin.Whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism and matingcompatibility studies reveal the presence of distinct speciesin sub-Saharan AfricaBemisia tabaciwhiteflies.Insect Science, 2021,28(6):1553-1566.
3.Hua-Ling Wang, Teng Lei, Xiao-Wei Wang, Dan-Tong Zhu, Qiong Rao, Stephen CameronYin-Quan Liu, Juan-Juan Zhao, Hong-Wei Shan, John Colvin, Shu-Sheng Liu. A newly recorded Rickettsia of the Torix groupis a recent intruder and an endosymbiont in thewhiteflyBemisia tabaci. Evironmental Microbiology,2020, 22(4), 1207-1221.
4.Teng Lei, Jing Zhao,Hua-Ling Wang, Yin-Quan Liu, Shu-Sheng Liu. Impact of a novelRickettsiasymbiont on the life history and virus transmission capacity of its host whitefly (Bemisia tabaci).Insect Science, 2021,28(2):377-391.
5.Yu-Jun Wang,Hua-Ling Wang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Shu-Sheng Liu. Transcriptome analysis and comparison reveal divergence between the Mediterranean and the greenhouse whiteflies.PLoS ONE, 2020,15:8.
6.Yu-Jun Wang,Hua-Ling Wang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Shu-Sheng Liu. Evolutionary patterns of sex-biased genes in three species of Haplodiploid insects.Insects, 2020.11(6), 326.
7.DanTong Zhu, Chi Zou, Fei-Xue Ban,Hua-Ling Wang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Yin-Quan Liu Conservation of transcriptional elements in the obligatesymbiont of the whiteflyBemisia tabaci.PeerJ2019,7.
8.Hua-Ling Wang, Teng Lei, Wen-Qiang Xia, Stephen Cameron, Yin-Quan Liu, Zhen Zhang, Maruthi M N Gowda, Paul De Barro, Jesús Navas-Castillo, Christopher A Omongo, Helene Delatte, Kyeong-Yeoll Lee, Mitulkumar V. Patel, Renate Krause-Sakate, James Ng, San-Ling Wu, Elvira Fiallo-Olivé, Shu-Sheng Liu, John Colvin & Xiao-Wei Wang. Insight into the microbial world ofBemisia tabacicryptic species complex and its relationships with its host.Scientific Reports2019, 9, 6568.
9.Hua-Ling Wang, Xi-Yun Cui, Zheng-Hua Zhang, Xiao-Wei Wang, Xue-Ping Zhou &Shu-Sheng Liu, First report ofSri Lankan cassava mosaic virusinfecting cassava in Cambodia.Plant Disease, 2015, 100(5): 1029.
10.Hua-Ling Wang, Jiao Yang, Boykin M. Laura, Qiong-Yi Zhao, Yu-Jun Wang, Shu-Sheng Liu &Xiao-Wei Wang. Developing conversed microsatellite markers and their implications in evolutionary analysis of theBemisia tabacicomplex.Scientific Reports, 2014, 4: 6351.
11.Habibu Mugerwa, Susan Seal,Hua-Ling Wang, Mitulkumar V. Patel, Richard Kabaalu, Christopher A. Omongo, Titus Alicai, Fred Tairo, Joseph Ndunguru, Peter Sseruwagi & John Colvin.2018. African ancestry of New World,Bemisia tabaci-whitefly species.Scientific Reports, 8, 2734.
12.Hua-Ling Wang, Jiao Yang, Boykin Laura M, Qiong-Yi Zhao, Qian Li, Xiao-Wei Wang & Shu-Sheng Liu. The characteristics and expression profiles of the mitochondrial genome for the Mediterranean species of theBemisia tabacicomplex.BMC genomics2013, 14, 401.