王进茂,1969年8月出生,河北深县人,中共党员,18luck新利手机版iso 林学院教授,博士,博士生导师。河北省新世纪三三三人才工程第三层次,18luck新利手机版iso 太行学者第三层次。河北省林木种植资源与森林保护重点实验室主任,中国林学会林木遗传育种分会委员,中国林学会杨树委员会委员。主要从事植物生理、植物组织培养技术等教学与林木遗传育种、森林培育等科研和推广工作,主持或参与国家自然科学基金、“十四五”科技创新2030专项课题、“十三五”国家重点研发计划、河北省自然科学基金、河北省农业农业关键共性技术公关专项等国家及省级科研课题多项。获国家技术发明二等奖1项,育部科技进步二等奖2项,河北省科技进步三等奖3项。国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文110余篇,其中SCI收录论文15篇;参编学术专著2部;培育林木良种3个,获新品种保护4个,授权专利2项。
2005/09--2012/07,18luck新利手机版iso ,森林培育,博士研究生,导师:王志刚教授、杨敏生教授
2000/09 – 2003/06,18luck新利手机版iso ,森林培育,硕士研究生,导师:杨敏生教授
1990/09– 1994/07,河北林学院,林学,学士
2010/01--18luck新利手机版iso ,林学院,教授
2005/01– 2009/12,18luck新利手机版iso ,林学院,副教授
1999/09– 2004/12,18luck新利手机版iso ,林学院,讲师
1994/07– 1999/08,18luck新利手机版iso ,林学院,助教
2021/06-2025/2,河北省重点研发计划, 21326301D,林木现代种业科技创新团队-杨树育种科技创新,150万元,主持
2021/01-2024/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 32071790,欧美杨PeWRKY31调控杨树抗虫性的分子机制,58万元,参与
2016/07-2021/06,国家重点研发计划项目, 2016YFD0600401,欧美杨工业资源材高效培育技术研究(子课题),98.8万元,主持
“刺槐种质创新关键技术及新品种培育与示范”, 2020梁希林业科技进步二等奖,排名第六
1.Shijie Wang,Lihui Zuo,Yichao Liu,Lianxiang Long,Jianghao Wu,Mengting Yuan,Jinmao Wang(通讯作者),Minsheng Yang . Comparative transcriptomes of four Elm species provide insights into the genetic features and adaptive evolution ofUlmusspp., Forest Ecology and Management, 2024, 553:121560 (期刊论文)
2.Lianxiang Long, Lijiao Gu, Shijie Wang, Hongyu Cai, Jianghao Wu, Jinmao Wang(通讯作者), MinshengYang , Progress in the understanding of WRKY transcription factors in woody plants.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023 (期刊论文)
3.Shijie Wang, Junxia Liu, Yan Dong, Yongtan Li, Yali Huang, Minxia Ren, Minsheng Yang,Jinmao Wang(通讯作者). Dynamic monitoring of the impact of insect-resistant transgenic poplar field stands on arthropod communities. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 505: 119921 (期刊论文)
4.Jianmin Fan, Shijie Wang, Changjun Ding , Changming Ma , Xinghao Chen, Jinmao Wang , Minsheng Yang ,Xiaohua Su ,Correlation Analysis of the Bacterial Community and Wood Properties ofPopulus×euramericanacv. “74/76” Wet Heartwood.Front. Microbiol. 2022,doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.868078
6.Lihui Zuo, Shunag Zhang, Jun Zhang,Yichao Liu, Xiaoyue Yu, Minsheng Yang, Jinmao Wang(通讯作者).Primer development and functional classification of EST-SSRmarkers inUlmusspecies. Tree Genetics & Genomes(2020) 16:74,doi.org/10.1007/s11295-020-01468-6
7.Zhou, Xinglu, Dong, Yan, Zhang, Qi, Xiao, Dandan, Yang, Minsheng, Wang, Jinmao(通讯作者). Expressi on of Multiple Exogenous Insect Resistance and Salt Tolerance Genes inPopulus nigraL., Frontiers in Plant Science, Front. Plant Sci. 2020.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.01123 (期刊论文)
8.Zuo, Lihui, Zhang, Shuang, Liu, Yichao, Huang, Yinran, Yang, Minsheng, Wang, Jinmao(通讯作者), The Reason for Growth Inhibition ofUlmus pumila"Jinye': Lower Resistance and Abnormal Development of Chloroplasts Slow Down the Accumulation of Energy.Int. J. Mol. Sci.2019, 20, 4227; doi:10.3390/ijms20174227 (期刊论文)
9.Yu, Xiaoyue, Zuo, Lihui, Lu, Dandan, Lu, Bin, Yang, Minsheng, Wang, Jinmao(通讯作者), Comparativeanalysis of chloroplast genomes of fiveRobiniaspecies: Genome comparative and evolution analysis, Gene, 2019, 689: 141-151 (期刊论文)
10.Yachao Ren, Jun Zhang, Guiying Wang, Xiaojie Liu, Li Li, Jinmao Wang(通讯作者), Minsheng Yang , The Relationship between Insect Resistance and Tree Age of Transgenic TriploidPopulus tomentosaPlants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9 (期刊论文)
11.Yachao Ren, Jun Zhang, Haiyong Liang, Jinmao Wang(通讯作者), Minsheng Yang.Inheritance and expression stability of exogenous genes in insect-resistant transgenic poplar.Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult,2017,DOI10.1007/s11240-017-1247-y(期刊论文)
12.Shuang Zhang, Lihui Zuo, Jun Zhang, Panfei Chen, Jinmao Wang(通讯作者),Minsheng Yang.Transcriptome analysis ofUlmus pumila‘Jinye’ responses to different shading involved in chlorophyll metabolism. Tree Genetics & Genomes (2017) 13:64,DOI 10.1007/s11295-017-1139-7(期刊论文)
13.LiHui Zuo, AiQin Shang, Shuang Zhang, XiaoYue Yu, YaChao Ren, MinSheng Yang, JinMao Wang(通讯作者).The first complete chloroplast genome sequences ofUlmusspecies byde novosequencing: Genome comparative and taxonomic position analysis. PLOS ONE,2017,DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0171264
14.Yan Dong, ShaSha Du, Jun Zhang, Minsheng Yang, and Jinmao Wang(通讯作者).Differential expression of dualBtgenes in transgene poplar Juba (Populus deltoidescv. ‘Juba’) transformed by two different transformation vectors. Can. J. For. Res.2015,45: 60–67,dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2014-0335(期刊论文)
15.杨敏生,谷俊涛,王进茂,张军等.刺槐资源评价及引种研究.中国林业出版社, 2017