序号 |
文章名称 |
作者 |
发表刊物、时间 |
1 |
Suppression of bacterial wilt in Eucalyptus urophylla by fluorescent pseudomonas spp. In China. |
冉隆贤(1) |
Biological Control(SCI)2005 |
2 |
Anther and Microspore Culture of Chrysanthemum, Dendranthema grandiflorum (Ramat.) Kitam. |
杨际双(1) |
Journal of Japanese Society for Horticultural Science(SCI), 2005 |
3 |
No Role for Baterially Produced Salicylic Acid in Rhizobacterial Induction |
冉隆贤(1) |
Phytopathology(SCI)2005 |
4 |
Effects of ice nucleation-active bacteria on the physiology and ultrastructure of apricot floral organs |
杨建民(1) |
Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology,(SCI),2007 |
5 |
In vitro germination and viability Dendramthema pollen |
杨际双(1) |
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences(SCI)2005 |
6 |
Production of even-sized hybrid aspens from root cuttings: transplanting, height grading and planting dates |
张钢(1) |
Baltic Forestry.(SCI)2005 |
7 |
Structures and Immunological Activities of Two pectic Polysaccharides from the Fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. cv. jinsixiaozao Hort. SCI(1.256) |
刘孟军(1) |
Food Research International(SCI),2006 |
8 |
Genetic diversity within and among populations of shrea leprosula miq. And S.parvifolia Dyer(Dipterocarpaceae) in Indonesia detected by AFLPs |
曹翠萍(1) |
Tree Genetics&Genomes(SCI),2006 |
9 |
Genetic variation at AFLPs for the Dipterocarpaceae and its relation to molecular phylogenies and taxonomic subdivisions |
曹翠萍(1) |
Journal of Plant Research(SCI)2006 |
10 |
Effects of host plants on insecticide susceptibility and carboxylesterase activity in Bemisia tabaci biotype B and greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum |
崔建州(2) |
Pest Manage(SCI),2007 |
11 |
Characteristics of F1 progenies obtained by crossing a small-flowered tetraploid garden chrysanthemum, ‘YS’ (2n=36), with hexaploid chrysanthemum cultivars (2n=54). |
杨际双(3) |
Journal of Japanese Society for Horticultural Science(SCI), 2004. |
12 |
Field performance of hybrid aspen clones planted in summer |
张钢(3) |
Silva Fennica(SCI), 2006 |
13 |
Embryo rescue of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) |
刘孟军(1) |
Proceedings Of The Xith Eucarpia Symposium On Fruit Breeding And Genetics,(ISTP)2004 |
14 |
浸钙对黑宝石李果实采后品质和延缓衰老的影响 |
杨建民(1) |
农业工程学报(EI收录),2007 |
15 |
The electrical impedance spectroscopy of Scots pine needles during cold acclimation |
张钢(1) |
Physiologia Plantarum,2002 |
16 |
Quantification of additive resporse and stalionary of frost hardiness by photoperiod and temperature in Scots pine |
张钢(1) |
Canadian Journal of Forest Research,2003 |
17 |
Tissue moisture loss during sample preparation lowers ecothern temperatures in dormant grap buds |
杜国强(2) |
Horscience,2002 |
18 |
Effects of irrigation amount on water relations, vegetative growth, yield and fruit composition of Sauvignon blanc grapevines under partial rootzone drying and conventional irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley of California |
杜国强(2) |
Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology,2004 |
19 |
Effect of training-pruning regimes on Eutypa dieback and performance of‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapevines |
杜国强(3) |
Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology,2005 |
20 |
Screening of Chinese jujube Germplasm with High Resistance to Witches'Broom Disease |
刘孟军 |
通讯作者 |
21 |
Structural Characterization and Immunological Activity of Water Soluble Polysaccharide Ju-B-7 from Fruits of Chinese Jujube |
刘孟军 |
Chemistry of Natural Compounds,2006 |
通讯作者 |
22 |
Induction of systemic resistance against bacterial wilt in Eucalyptus urophylla by fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. |
冉隆贤(1) |
European Journal of Plant Pathology 2005,113:59-70 |
23 |
Siderophores are the main determinants of fluorescent Pseudomonas strains in suppression of grey in Eucalyptus urophylla |
冉隆贤(1) |
植物病理学报,2005-01 |
24 |
Olfactory response of Anoplophora glabripennis to volatile compouds from ash-leaf maple (Acer negundo) |
李继泉(1) |
Scientia silvae sinicae,2004-01 |
25 |
Strains of Entomopathogenic Fungi Beauveria bassiana against Apriona germari Larvae |
李会平(1) |
Scientia silvae sinicae,2007-11 |
26 |
桑天牛卵啮小蜂Aprostocetus prolixus的寄生生物学研究 |
王志刚(1) |
蚕业科学,2003-03 |
27 |
4个品种李树果实对李实蜂酶活力的影响 |
黄大庄(1) |
林业科学,2006-06 |
28 |
白杨派杂种无性系及其亲本光合和生长对盐胁迫的反应 |
杨敏生(1) |
林业科学,2006-04 |
29 |
薄皮核桃新品种“绿岭” |
李保国(1) |
园艺学报,2007-06 |
30 |
桑天牛卵长尾啮小蜂的寄主选择定位行为 |
李继泉(1) |
昆虫学报,2007-11 |
31 |
NaCl胁迫对转基因杨树外源基因表达的影响 |
杨敏生(1) |
植物生理与分子生物学学报,2007-11 |
32 |
张北县退耕还林对粮食生产的影响分析 |
黄选瑞 |
林业科学,2004-05 |
(通讯作者) |
33 |
细叶百合的生殖特性和繁育规律研究 |
杨利平(1) |
园艺学报,2005-05 |
34 |
毛乌素沙地凝结水动态变化及其影响因子的研究 |
李玉灵(1) |
干旱区资源与环境,2008-08 |
35 |
不同立地下白桑-花生间作系统生物量及营养元素的积累 |
黄大庄 |
林业科学,2008-01 |
(通讯作者) |
36 |
不同基质传代白僵菌对桑天牛幼虫的侵染力与寄主血淋巴酚氧化酶活性的关系 |
李会平(1) |
农药学学报,2008-02 |
37 |
不同林分类型下油松毛虫种群遗传多样性 |
高宝嘉 |
生态学报,2008-05 |
(通讯作者) |
38 |
花绒寄甲在中国的地理分布区 |
黄大庄 |
林业科学,2008-06 |
(通讯作者) |
39 |
三种松毛虫不同地理种群遗传多样性 |
高宝嘉(1) |
生态学报,2008-02 |
40 |
枣树雄性不育种质胚败育与内源激素变化的关系 |
王玖瑞(1) |
植物遗传资源学报,2008-03 |
41 |
造林对铁尾矿地养分含量及物种多样性的影响 |
许中旗(1) |
林业科学,2008-(12) |
42 |
植被原生演替研究进展 |
许中旗(1) |
生态学报2006, 25(12) |
43 |
人为干扰对典型草原生态系统土壤养分状况的影响 |
许中旗(1) |
水土保持学报2006, 20(5) |
44 |
转抗虫基因三倍体毛白杨植株体内农杆菌残存与逃逸 |
杨敏生(1) |
生态学报2006,26(11) |
45 |
枣树单花不同开放阶段花粉萌发率和内源激素的变化 |
王玖瑞(1) |
园艺学报2005,32(4) |
46 |
遮荫对美国黑莓生长及光合特性的影响 |
杨俊霞(1) |
园艺学报2005,32(2) |
47 |
苹果新品种自交不亲和基因型的分子生物学鉴定 |
李保国 |
园艺学报2007,34(3) |
48 |
一个新的苹果自交不亲和基因的分离 |
李保国 |
植物遗传资源学报,2007,8(4) |
(通讯作者) |