王文君,男,1988年生,山东青岛人,农学博士,校聘副教授,硕士生导师。2012年毕业于青岛农业大学动物科学专业,获学士学位;2019年毕业于华中农业大学动物遗传育种与繁殖专业,获博士学位;2019年-2021年于华中农业大学兽医学流动站从事博士后工作。2022年至18luck新利手机版iso 动物科技学院任教。发表或参与发表文章14篇;申请国家发明专利11项、国际专利1项;参与制定“国家标准”1项、“地方标准”2项;获“2020年度湖北省技术发明奖二等奖”(省部级)1项;参与国家精品课程《家畜育种学(第2版)》教科书修订工作。
(4)18luck新利手机版iso 引进人才科研专项(YJ2022010);
[1]Wang, W., Wei, T., Shi, M., Han, Y., Shen, Y., Zhou, X., & Liu, B. (2023). A Novel Universal Primer Multiplex Real-Time PCR (UP-M-rtPCR) Approach for Specific Identification and Quantitation of Cat, Dog, Fox, and Mink Fractions Using Nuclear DNA Sequences. Foods, 12(3), 594.(IF= 5.561,Q1)
[2]Liu, Z., Wang, X., Yan, Z., Chu, B.,Wang, W.*, Liu, B. *.(2022). Screening and validation of a novel universal target DNA sequence for simultaneous identification and differentiation of bovine- and ovine-/caprine- derived ingredients in ruminant feeds. European Food Research and Technology.(IF= 2.998,Q2)
[3]Wang, W., Wang, X., Wei, T., Zhang, Q., Zhou, X. &Liu, B. (2021). A multiplex real-time PCR approach for identification and quantification of sheep/goat, fox and murine fractions in meats using nuclear DNA sequences, Food Control, 108035.(IF= 5.548,Q1,Top)
[4]Wang, W., Fu, M., Zhang, Q., Zhen, Y., Liu, J., Xiang, S., Michal, J. J., Jiang, Z., Zhou, X., & Liu, B. (2021). A novel quantitative real-time PCR method for the detection of mammalian and poultry species based on a shared single-copy nuclear DNA sequence. Food chemistry, 341(Pt 2), 128170.(IF=7.514,Q1,Top)
[5]Wang, W., Wang, X., Zhang, Q., Liu Z., Zhou, X. &Liu, B. (2020). A multiplex PCR method for detection of five animal species in processed meat products using novel species-specific nuclear DNA sequences. European Food Research and Technology 246, 1351–1360.(IF= 2.998,Q2)
[6] Zhang, Y.,Wang, W., Lin, Z., Liu, B. &Zhou, X. (2020). Dual-output toehold-mediated strand displacement amplification for sensitive homogeneous electrochemical detection of specie-specific DNA sequences for species identification. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 161, 112256.(IF= 10.618,Q1,Top)
[7]Wang, W., Liu, J., Zhang, Q., Zhou, X. &Liu, B. (2019). Multiplex PCR assay for identification and quantification of bovine and equine in minced meats using novel specific nuclear DNA sequences. Food Control 105, 29-37.(IF= 5.548,Q1,Top)
[8]王文君,王小康,徐国强,周翔&刘榜. (2021). 影响猪精子耐冻性的候选基因分析. 华中农业大学学报, 39(2), 40-48.(核心期刊)
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